Hey, San Francisco Bay Area, You Can Have a Robot do Your Hair Transplant!

Hey, San Francisco Bay Area, You Can Have a Robot do Your Hair Transplant!

Strange though it may seem, if your hair is thinning and you are getting desperate to do something about it, your best bet could be a San Jose robotic hair transplant.Get your San Jose hair transplant carried out by a robot.

It’s a sad fact of life that thinning hair can happen to the best of us, and furthermore there is no way of knowing whom or when it will strike. A family history of thinning hair may be a contributory factor, but that is not always the case. Take, for instance, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, of England who at age 34 is almost bald, while his younger brother Prince Harry at age 32 and 68 year old father Prince Charles still retain a full head of hair. It seems that it is just the luck of the draw.

However, all is not lost. If you are one of the unlucky ones, the amazing technology of the 21st century is now available to you in the form of a San Jose robotic hair transplant. OK, this is not actually available in San Jose – you’ll have to take a short trip up to Foster City to the offices of Silicon Valley Hair Institute where you will find Dr Miguel Canales who was the Medical Director of Restoration Robotics Inc., the company that invented the ARTAS Robotic Procedure of hair transplantation.

No Scar with the ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant System!

The ARTAS Robotic hair transplant system combines artificial intelligence with 3D treatment planning software and sophisticated precision robotics which “harvest” follicular units of anything from one to four hairs from the donor site at the rear of the head without leaving any scar (which is what would happen with traditional hair transplantation). The immediate benefit of this is that you will be able to wear your hair short if you wish.

With the San Jose robotic hair transplant system there is less discomfort and downtime, and indeed there are no post-operative limitations on any physical activity, so if you want to play tennis, golf, go for a run, or carry out any other type of exercise the next day you can do so.

Furthermore, the ARTAS robotic system carries out the transplants from hundreds up to thousands of times in a single session and also ensures that the survival of the transplants is greater than that which can be carried out by the human hand alone.

Dr Canales is recognized as possibly the leading hair transplant surgeon not just in the Bay Area, but in the world when it comes to robotic hair transplantation. It is well worth a trip up to Foster City in order to discuss your hair transplant options with him in a free consultation.

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