Get A Second Opinion on Hair Restoration Options

Get A Second Opinion on Hair Restoration Options

If you have thinning and/or receding hair you may very well be considering the possibility of hair transplantation in the Bay Area. You have probably seen advertising from the big national chains for whichever particular procedure they are promoting telling you that the way they do it is the way to go.

For some people that may well hold true. However, with any surgical operation – for that is what it is – it makes sense to get a second opinion. Apart from the medical aspects, hair transplant surgery is not cheap so you should consider all your hair transplant options and not just jump at the first offer. Every person is unique, and every hair loss situation is unique. Therefore, working with a trained hair transplant expert is the best way to get a unique, individualized recommendation for your own hair situation. This is true whether you are a man or a woman, old or young, with straight or curly hair, etc.

Some procedures may be a better choice for one particular patient and at the same time not the best option for another. For instance, the ARTAS robotic system may be a good choice for some people and not for others. This can even include the way that you want to wear your hair post-op!

More Than One Session May Be Required

Some procedures may be able to be completed in one session while others may need two or more visits. This of course will also have a bearing on the overall cost. The more sessions that areBay Area Hair Transplant needed with the surgeon, the more the finished product will cost. If you happen to be a multi-millionaire, then the cost may be of no concern, but for most patients it is an important factor to take into consideration when assessing their hair transplant options.

Then there is the question of the style in which you want to wear your hair after your transplant. One style may benefit from a certain procedure while another would be better served by a different choice.

Don’t Rush Into One Procedure Without A Second Opinion

This is why it is not a good idea to rush into a particular procedure for hair transplants in the Bay Area without getting the benefit of a second opinion. Dr Miguel Canales, who has an office in Foster City, California, is a hair transplant surgeon of many years standing. He is always happy to meet new patients and offer the benefit of his advice, after assessing all of the hair transplant options that are open to you.

In order to make an appointment with Dr Canales simply give his office a call, or click on the “contact link” at the top of the page. Our Foster City office is convenient to San Francisco, Oakland, and even San Jose.

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