Monthly Archives - May 2021

Silicon Valley Institute Announces New Post on Finding a Bay Area Hair Loss Expert

Palo Alto, California - May 31, 2021. Silicon Valley Hair Institute, a best-in-class Bay Area hair transplantation clinic is proud to announce a new post about finding the best Bay Area hair loss expert. The goal of successful hair loss surgery could even be to appear as if it never...


Silicon Valley Hair Institute Announces New Post on Brilliant Answers for the Cost of a Hair Transplant in the Bay Area

Silicon Valley Hair Institute, a best-in-class hair transplant clinic in the Bay Area, is proud to announce a new post on costs and ease of access. The location of a top-rated hair transplant clinic could help make a difference in the price of hair loss surgery. (more…)


Even Busy Bay Area Entrepreneurs Can Suffer Hair Loss and Need Treatment

Many start-ups and technology vendors here in the Bay Area have a rude awakening coming. They may have built the next great business… but even in their late twenties or thirties they may be losing their hair. This goes primarily for men, but also sometimes even for young women. (more…)


Silicon Valley Hair Institute, the Bay Area Leader in Hair Transplantation, Announces New Post on Thinning Hair and its Treatment

May 2, 2021 - Palo Alto, California. Silicon Valley Hair Institute, a best-in-class hair transplant clinic in the Bay Area is proud to announce a new post about the reasons for hair loss. The post advocates that a client speak to a top doctor about thinning hair and discover the...