Author - Miguel Canales

ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant and the Marriage Market

Focusing on appearance, particularly nurturing a full head of hair, can indeed benefit an "unmarried man" who is ready to enter the marriage market. (No shade if you are unmarried, divorced, or don't want to even think about "marriage," but here we'll focus on the "fun" of being in the...


Silicon Valley Hair Institute Announces New Updates to Hair Transplant Before and After Pages

San Mateo, California - June 1, 2023. Silicon Valley Hair Institute, a best-in-class San Francisco Bay Area hair loss clinic is proud to announce a recent update to the clinic's hair transplant "hair transplant before and after" pages. Photographs depict men and women struggling with thinning hair and then enjoying...


Top Hair Transplant Clinic in San Mateo Using ARTAS for Modern Transplant Options

Hair loss is a common problem for men as they age, affecting up to 85% of men by age 50. While hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, the most common cause of hair loss in men is androgenetic alopecia, also known as male-pattern baldness. (more…)


Silicon Valley Hair Transplant Offers Beard Transplant for Residents in Foster City

Facial hair, particularly beards, have gained significant popularity in recent years. Men are looking for ways to get that perfect beard style they desire. Some men have trouble growing beards or mustaches due to genetics, health problems, or scarring. (more…)


Silicon Valley Hair Institute Announces New Content for Oakland Hair Transplant Services including FUE and FUT Transplant for East Bay Residents

Oakland, California - May 1, 2023. Silicon Valley Hair Institute, a best-in-class San Francisco Bay Area hair loss clinic is proud to announce newly updated content focused on hair transplantation (both FUE and FUT) for Oakland residents. Easy driving instructions indicate a short jump across the San Mateo bridge can...


Consider a Full Beard Transplant to Help Give a Confidence Boost

Facial hair has long been associated with masculinity and virility, and for many young men, a full, bushy beard is seen as a sign of maturity and attractiveness. However, not all men are blessed with the genetics to grow a full beard, leaving them feeling self-conscious and unattractive. (more…)