There Is No One “Best” Option for a Hair Transplant Because Everyone Is Different
Many people in San Francisco suffer from thinning hair. It is one of those things which happens, and it happens to a lot of people, so if you are one of them you are not alone.
If you are like the others you will want to do something about thinning hair, because San Franciscans always want to look their best, and quite right too. However, don’t make the mistake of looking for the San Francisco best hair transplant option because guess what? There isn’t one!
What you need is the San Francisco best hair transplant option for you. Everybody is an individual and what is right for you might not be right for the guy next door and vice versa. What you need to do is to meet with a hair loss specialist who can assess your individual condition and advise you of the best procedure for you. This could be a hair transplant, but it could be something else such as alternative treatments for hair loss. But you are not going to know until you have had your condition assessed first.
The Best San Francisco Hair Loss Specialist Isn’t In San Francisco!
Furthermore, if you want to meet with the best hair loss specialist in San Francisco, he isn’t in San Francisco. He is in Foster City, and his name is Dr Miguel Canales, and he is the director of Silicon Valley Hair institute. He is also not only the best hair loss specialist in the Bay Area but is known throughout the world in the hair restoration sector, because before setting up Silicon Valley Hair Institute he was the Medical Director of a company called Restoration Robotics. He led the team which invented the ARTAS robot method of hair transplants. His name is on no less than eleven of the patents, and he has been around the world training other hair transplant surgeons in its’ use. You could not be in better hands if you are looking for the San Francisco best hair transplant option.
The first thing that Dr. Canales needs to do is to examine your head and your hair condition so that he can advise you of the best procedure in your individual case. You may be a man suffering from bald areas on your scalp, or you might just have areas of thinning hair. If you are a woman, you probably won’t have bald areas, but only areas of thinning hair. The thing is that you need a consultation before doing anything else.
Fortunately, Dr. Canales offers all patients a totally free consultation, and you can book yours by clicking on the Contact Us link at the top of the page.