Which is Better – FUE or FUT for Hair Transplant? Answer: It Depends
It is a fact of many people’s lives that as they age, they begin to lose hair. This can be in the form of areas on the scalp which start to become thinner, or it can be areas which can go completely bald. In the most severe cases – usually in men – the whole of the head can become bald.
It is rather a matter of luck, or perhaps genetics, because some people can live to the age of 85 or more and still have a full head of hair. Others can start to lose hair at 30, or even earlier.
If you should begin to have thinning hair, at least today there is something that can be done about it, which was not the case even 70 or so years ago.
Today you can have a hair transplant, and it can be either FUE or FUT. But FUE vs. FUT – which is better?
What Do FUE And FUT Mean – What’s The Difference?
First, we need to know what FUE and FUT mean. FUE stands for Follicular Unit Extraction, while FUT means Follicular Unit Transplant. Both actually amount to much the same thing because hair is transplanted from one part of the head to another.
A follicular unit refers to a tiny group of between one and four hairs which are used for the transplant. However, the way in which the transplant is carried out is different. An FUT is carried out by a hair transplant surgeon manually. He will remove a small strip of hair from the back of the head and then divide it up into these tiny follicular units which are then transplanted into the areas of thinning hair or bald patches.
Unfortunately, this will leave a scar at the back of the head where the strip of hair was removed. It will not usually show unless you choose to wear your hair up or very short.
An FUE is carried out by a robot! In this case the robot will remove tiny follicular units from different parts of the head and then transplant them. This means that there is no scar on the back of the head, and in fact it leaves no visible scarring whatsoever even where the individual follicular units have been removed.
So, FUE vs. FUT – which is better?
Well, just from the point of view of scarring, the FUE is. But there are other benefits too. There is increased survival of the transplanted follicular units and less discomfort and downtime. There are more benefits as well. But FUT has advantages such as cost, and in some cases, a better total outcome. It really depends.
The answer is that if you want to learn more about FUE vs. FUT – which is better? – you need to make an appointment with Dr Miguel Canales at Silicon Valley Hair Institute in Foster City for a free consultation when he will be able to assess your individual condition and make a recommendation. You’re a unique individual and you need an assessment by a hair specialist well-versed in both FUE and FUT who can give you a professional hair loss estimate.