“Art Appreciation” in the Bay Area Includes Expert Hair Surgeons

“Art Appreciation” in the Bay Area Includes Expert Hair Surgeons

The value of high-quality craftsmanship is appreciated in the Bay Area. It’s a regular occurrence for individuals to seek out a skilled artisan for an important project. A homeowner may be looking for a personally designed piece of art for their home.cost of a robotic hair transplant - an example of the ARTAS robot

Or commission a specially made dining room table by their favorite craftsman (or craftswoman). The same can be applied to goods like clothing or cars. Driving in an ordinary car is different from riding a luxury sportscar. The hand-stitching and careful attention to detail will make these items look and feel superior to commonly manufactured goods.

As a best-in-class hair transplant clinic serving San Francisco, the same can be said for hair transplant surgery. There is an artistic component to hair restoration that individual surgeons offer. Like a talented craftsman, a hair transplant surgeon creates something unique each time. Choosing the right follicles and placing them in the perfect spot to build an aesthetic that is pleasing overall. The long-term results of their talented work can delight a woman or man for the rest of their lives. The question is, what is better? Hair restoration is done entirely by hand or using innovative technology?

If you’ve been researching different types of hair loss surgery, it may be time to review these differences. The “tools of the trade” for a hair transplant surgeon can include different types of devices. Some tools might be held and managed with a surgeon’s careful hand. In other cases, a robotic device might handle the precise movements while the surgeon guides and oversees each step.

Like a skilled craftsman, a surgeon might decide which method should be used based on the result they are looking for. Regarding a price difference, the cost of a robotic hair transplant may be equal to hands-on surgery. Yet, when it comes to the process, there will be some differences.

The Cost of a Robotic Hair Transplant vs. Hand-Held FUE Method

For instance, from a user perspective, the ARTAS is ergonomically more comfortable for the surgeon. The surgeon doesn’t have to bend over the patient, which can become tiring. However, there may be areas where the hair transplant surgeon wants to go a little further and give specific attention to an area by hand. Just like a meticulous artist, the need to provide their work with unique characteristics is part of the craft.

To design anything unique, there is a method to create one’s “masterpiece.” It requires vision, skill, and careful attention. Some artists can afford to make mistakes as they move along the process, but others cannot. The work of a hair transplant surgeon takes a level of meticulous concentration while ensuring each movement is precise and perfect. The cost of a robotic hair transplant equals the effort for this type of artistry.

5 Steps to an Outstanding Hair Restoration Process
For the public, here are the basic steps to hair loss surgery:

Step 1: Set up a consultation (https://siliconvalleyhairinstitute.com/virtual/) to receive a complete evaluation of your hair loss situation.
Step 2: Make an appointment for a graphing session. This is non-invasive and afterwards, Dr. Canales will show you the desired result in a 3D image.
Step 3: Harvesting Hair Follicles, or FUE: It will either be done with the hand-guided “strip” method or the ARTAS robot. This depends on the final decision by you and Dr. Canales.
Step 4: Transplantation, or FUT. Again, Dr. Canales may decide to hand-implant each follicle or guide the robotic device to follow the grid plan.
Step 5: Recovery, which should be short and mostly comfortable. There will be follow-up visits to ensure the hair is responding to the surgery.

The skill level of the surgeon is vital. The process for recommending one or the other evolves during a one-on-one discussion and evaluation.

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