Deciphering the How and Why of Hair Loss in Men, What Really Works?

Deciphering the How and Why of Hair Loss in Men, What Really Works?

With today’s modern advancements in research and technology, you’d think humanity would have most of our problems solved by now. But there are many mysteries human beings have yet to unlock. hair loss in men

For instance, more than 80% of our oceans have yet to be explored and mapped out. And we still need to figure out why and how to cure hiccups. And when it comes to aging, modern human beings have found strategies to slow the process but not to reverse it.  Although it is our profession to assess hair loss and find the right solution for thicker hair, people need help to pinpoint the critical reason for common hair loss. Mother Nature is fickle and won’t reveal the main factor in male pattern baldness (also known as male androgenic alopecia).

We do know that, in some instances, hair loss can be related to illness, like cancer. Other times, it could be connected to stress or a vitamin deficiency. And that extra hair on a man’s brush might just be a genetic reminder that their father and grandfather also went bald.

Is Testosterone the Culprit?

There has been a long-held rumor testosterone could be the culprit for male pattern baldness. Some believe low testosterone, or “low T,” might be partially to blame. There’s also the DHT hormone, or dihydrotestosterone, which is the hormone that helps develop male characteristics like body hair, facial hair, and sex organs. Medical experts have found that high levels of DHT can contribute to thinning hair follicles by binding to the hair follicle and shrinking it. This might explain the “how” some men go bald, but scientists are still discovering the “why.”

For those interested in the details of male pattern baldness, or MPB, the International Library of Medicine has a lengthy article:

When it comes down to it, many reasons for men’s hair loss are still a mystery. Yes, men can still “do something” about their hair loss with modern hair restoration treatments.

New Breakthroughs in Fixing Men’s Thinning Hair

Although the medical mysteries of hair loss are yet to be discovered, this is an excellent time for solutions. Our hair loss clinic was founded by Dr. Miguel Canales, a leading contributor to developing the ARTAS hair transplant robot. He spent ten years as the Senior Vice President and Medical Director at Restoration Robotics, where the ARTAS hair transplant robot was developed and launched. Dr. Canales is passionate about answers to hair loss and has spent much of his time at the forefront of hair restoration innovation. The SVHI clinic provides several modern treatments to thicken and restore hair, such as robotic hair transplant surgery, HTX 360 Experience, and new FUE (follicular unit extraction) technology. There is still much to discover, and Dr. Canales and his clinic team are eager to research new innovations to hair loss and bring them to the public.

It’s been said it’s best to find the person who “teaches the teachers.” Dr. Canales falls into this category. His training is in dermatology, plastic surgery, and hair restoration. He has supported and trained other physicians to use the ARTAS hair transplant robot. These trainings have been conducted on several continents, including Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the United States. Bay Area locals searching for the best surgeon for men’s hair loss may want to take notice!

Are You Seeing the Beginning Signs of Baldness?

As we age, our hair can change in color and texture. But when hair feels thinner, does that mean you are going bald? Losing fifty to one hundred strands of hair a day is normal. That’s just a natural reality. But when your scalp is more noticeable, either between hairs or because of a receding area, it’s a good idea to speak to a hair loss doctor. The reality is that male pattern baldness, or MPB impacts half the men over forty. If you’re a man, the odds are 50% you could be losing your hair!

It’s crucial to get diagnosed before the hair loss gets worse. In some situations, it’s possible to slow the impact of hair loss. The only way to find out what’s happening and derive a plan for success is to contact us and schedule a consultation.

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