We Are Beginning to Use Robots for Many Things, Including a Hair Transplant

We Are Beginning to Use Robots for Many Things, Including a Hair Transplant

If robots conjure up images of the movie, “The Terminator,” then you’re not thinking correctly. Robots are our friends, really. And today they are becoming used more and more.  Hair transplants can now be carried out by a robot, that is robotic hair transplantation.Let’s face it, we have got to the stage where a robot can drive your car for you while you read the paper! Not that a lot of us want to do that just yet, but it is becoming possible.

So, it might not surprise you to learn that we can now use robotic surgery for hair loss. Yes, a robot can carry out your hair transplant in the Bay Area for you.

The robot is called ARTAS, and it is not available everywhere yet. But it is available at Silicon Valley Hair Institute in Foster City. You will understand why, if we tell you that our director is Dr. Miguel Canales, and that he is the guy who invented it! He was the Medical Director of the company Robotic Restorations Inc., for some ten years, and he led the team which invented and perfected the ARTAS robot. In fact, his name is on no fewer than 11 patents relating to it.

Several Advantages to Robotic Transplantation

Using the ARTAS robot has several advantages over having your hair transplant done manually by the surgeon. Just to begin with, if you have a manual transplant, the surgeon has to remove a strip of hair from the back of your head so that he can divide it up into tiny follicular units of one to four hairs which are then individually transplanted into the recipient area. This has the effect of leaving a scar at the back of your head.

The robot doesn’t do that. Instead, it searches your head and finds individual hair follicles and harvests them one at a time, transplanting them as required. So, it leaves no visible scar at all. This actually results in less pain and downtime.

Robotic surgery for hair loss also transplants the hair follicles at exactly the same angle, elevation, and direction as any existing hairs in the transplant area. Not only that, but the robot never gets tired. A manual hair transplant can take several hours, and the surgeon is only human. So, he can start to tire, and this can lead to errors. The robot doesn’t make any mistakes.

Furthermore, robotic surgery for hair loss results in an increased survival rate of the transplanted hair follicles, and it also avoids causing any damage to hairs that already exist in the recipient area. We’re conveniently located in Foster City, not far from San Francisco, Burlingame, San Mateo and other Peninsula cities.

If you would like to learn more about our robotic hair transplants, Dr. Canales is happy to provide all patients with a free consultation when he can assess the condition of your scalp and answer all your questions.

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