There Are Different Options Today for Restoring Hair Loss
Whether you are a man or a woman and you are losing your hair, you have more options than ever these days. One option is to do nothing and just lose your hair; this is easiest for men.
If you think about it, you see an awful lot of men who have bald areas on their head, and you see a lot more who have lost all their hair. It is just something that happens to many men as they get older, and the fact is that a lot of men shrug their shoulders and get on with their lives. They regard it in the same way as losing teeth.
However, it is also true that we live in the Bay Area, and it is a place where many people, both men and women, always want to look their best. Hence, they dress well, buy smart shoes, take exercise, eat the best foods, and so on. So, if they begin to lose their hair, they are not going to take it lying down. There are hair loss surgery options, and they are at the front of the queue when it comes to restoring that missing hair.
The ARTAS Robot
Hair loss surgery options at Silicon Valley Hair Institute include a hair transplant using the ARTAS robot. Our director, Dr. Miguel Canales, is a world-renowned expert in hair restoration, and in fact he led the team which invented the ARTAS robot.
The robot has several advantages over and above a manual hair transplant, not the least of which is that it leaves no visible scar on the head. When you have a manual transplant, the surgeon has to take a strip of hair from the back of the head in order to separate it into groups of hair follicles and transplant them. This does leave a scar which is visible if the hair is worn short.
The robot however, harvests tiny groups of one to four hairs from around the head and transplants them individually. This leaves no visible scar anywhere. It also aligns the hair follicles at the exact same height and direction as any existing hairs in the recipient area, giving a very natural look.