In the Pandemic, Silicon Valley Hair Institute Can Still Help With Hair Loss
There’s the old saw “the best of both worlds”. Well that is what we are working on here at Silicon Valley Hair Institute. At the moment, because of the pandemic, you cannot come into our offices here in Foster City, but that doesn’t alter the fact that you want to restore that thinning hair.
Having a hair transplant is an optional therapy, but that doesn’t mean that it is not critically important for many people. This is because it can have a drastic effect on your self-confidence, and it can make you reluctant to go out in public. Getting that thinning hair restored again is on the top of many people’s “to do” list.
So what we are offering now is a virtual hair transplant consultation in the Bay Area. Our Dr. Miguel Canales is one of the world’s leading authorities on all forms of hair transplantation and restoration and he is now providing patients with a free consultation on Facetime, Skype, Whatsapp, your webcam, and so on, in order that he can assess your hair condition and advise you of the most appropriate method of restoration for you as an individual. Everybody is different and may have different wishes as regards hair restoration.
A Priority Booking List
When you have had your virtual hair transplant consultation in the Bay Area – wherever in the Bay Area you happen to live, from San Francisco to San Jose and from Walnut Creek to Oakland to Fremont – Dr. Canales will then place you on a priority booking list for hair restoration therapy as soon as we re-open in full compliance with the rules. That means that you can be one of the first in line for your hair restoration. Your therapy can be carried out at our Foster City office or our new one in Palo Alto, whichever you prefer.
Whether you are aware of it or not, Dr. Canales is known in the hair transplant surgery world as one of the foremost, if not the foremost, transplant surgeons in the world. He was the Medical Director or Restoration Robotics Inc for ten years and he led the team which invented the ARTAS robot. He knows more about it than anyone, and his office is one of the few in California that can offer a robotic hair transplant. This has many benefits over a hair transplant carried out manually.
However, there are other therapies such as non-traditional therapy which may be more suitable. If you are tired of losing your hair and want to do something about it, then your first step is to book your free virtual hair transplant consultation in the Bay Area with Dr. Canales. Just click on the Online Consult link at the top of the page.