Hair Transplant in Mexico: What is The True Cost of a Mexican Hair Transplant?
Many people in the Bay Area who are considering having a hair transplant have been led to believe that it will cost much less if they travel to Mexico to have the hair transplant surgery carried out.
It is a fact that there are some very good clinics and hair transplant surgeons in Mexico, but yet again we have to caution you not simply to focus on the out of pocket cost of the transplant itself. The cost of a hair transplant in Mexico involves much more than the actual cost of the surgery.
You have to factor in the cost of travel, the cost of a hotel for an overnight stay or more, and the cost of taking time off work among other things. Then there is the question of quality. You and your loved ones are going to have to look at your hair every day, so you have to consider whether you really DO want to “go cheap” on this or whether you want the best. The basic cost of a hair transplant in Mexico may be less, but will you get the best?
Certainly, as with many other things in life, the best is usually more expensive in terms of hard cash but you need to remember that you are going to change the way other people see you – that is why you are considering a hair transplant in the first place. Surely you want people to see you at YOUR best, so is it worth taking the risk just in order to save a few dollars on the procedure?
Then there is the question of the procedure itself. At Silicon Valley Hair Institute, you can take advantage of what is considered to be the finest system of hair transplantation in the world – the ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplantation Procedure – which was developed by our Dr Miguel Canales over a ten year period when he was Medical Director of Restoration Robotics Inc.
Many Advantages to a Hair Transplant in Mexico; More to an ARTAS Hair Transplant in the Bay Area
There are many advantages to the ARTAS Procedure, where the surgery is carried out by a computer-controlled robot under the direction of the surgeon. With a manual hair transplant a strip of hair is removed from the back of the head which leaves a visible scar. The ARTAS procedure harvests follicular units of hair in groups of one to four hairs and leaves no visible scar whatsoever. It then grafts the units into the recipient area with pinpoint accuracy and without causing any damage to existing hairs in the area. It can also deploy the hairs so that they exactly match the direction, angle, and elevation of existing hairs. This produces a much more aesthetically pleasing result.
What’s more, the procedure is less painful and discomforting and there is less downtime. You can resume strenuous exercise after only one or two days. Since the process leaves no visible scar, it also enables you to wear your hair short if you wish to do so.
So, yes, the cost of a hair transplant in Mexico may be less than it is in Foster City, but we repeat: do you want a cheap hair transplant or do you want the best? We feel certain that we know your instinctive answer.