Author - Lee McDonald

AI Is Moving Like Wildfire Through Our World (Including Hair Loss Mitigation)

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is moving quickly throughout Silicon Valley. It's revolutionizing how we analyze information and process data. AI provides deeper insight into decision-making in every part of our lives, including education, manufacturing, government, science, and medicine. (more…)


How Silicon Valley Tech is Revolutionizing Hair Restoration with ARTAS Robotics

The Bay Area has been a leader in the transformation of cosmetic surgery with technology; robotics and AI are the next generation of change coming from technology into surgery.  Perhaps even more significant, Bay Area residents tend to be technology-friendly, making this a culture that not only innovates but accepts...


Tech Meets Healthcare: How Hair Transplant Technology Like Artas Is Revolutionizing the Bay Area

The Bay Area is synonymous with technological innovation. As the birthplace of Silicon Valley, the region has long been home to trailblazing companies and cutting-edge advancements that shape industries around the globe. (more…)