Many People Lose Hair, and It Is Largely Down to Genetics. We Have an Answer
Unfortunately, hair loss is “just one of those things”. In most cases it is down to genetics, although we have recently found that some people have lost hair as a result of Covid! But in most cases it’s genetics, and that means that if it happens to you, it happens.
All right, some people just shrug their shoulders and accept it for what it is and get on with their lives. However, losing hair can also affect many people’s mental health because it makes them feel that they stand out – even though so many others have thinning hair or bald spots. Although in many cases it is natural, it can make people feel “un-natural” and if that is the case it is time to do something about your hair loss. Let’s face it: why suffer if there is an answer for it?
At Silicon Valley Hair Institute we see many people every day who feel badly affected by their hair loss, but the usual answer is a hair transplant. If you suffer from thinning hair, or even totally bald areas on the scalp, a hair transplant can not only make you look and feel natural again, but it can transform your life!
Patients Who Don’t Even Want To Leave Home!
We have had patients, often women, who feel uncomfortable even leaving home and going out because of suffering from thinning hair. Our Dr Miguel Canales understands only too well how you may feel, so he can provide you with the solution that you need using our robot for hair transplantation.
A robot??
Yes, Dr Canales was the Medical Director of Restoration Robotics, and he led the team which actually designed and built the ARTAS robot, as it is known. The ARTAS robot is now used around the world, and it has many benefits over and above a manual transplant procedure for hair loss. We’re fortunate here in Foster City to have one of the few ARTAS robots in the Bay Area. Thus patients looking for hair loss clinics come to us from San Francisco, San Mateo, San Jose, and even Santa Cruz.
Just to begin with, if you have a surgeon who performs a manual transplant, he will take a strip of hair from the back of your head which he then uses to transplant into the thinning or bald areas. Unfortunately, that leaves a scar, and there is not much that can be done about that.
On the other hand, the ARTAS robot harvests tiny hair follicles of between one and four hairs from different places around the head and transplants them directly into the recipient area. This leaves no visible scar whatsoever.
It also sets them so that they are at exactly the same angle, height, and direction of any other hairs in the area, so the result is a totally natural look.
To find out more, book yourself a totally free consultation with Dr Canales so that he can answer all your questions.