Generally Speaking, Women Don’t Have Bald Patches, but Thinning Hair
When it comes to losing hair, hair loss can happen to both men and women. However, the way that they lose hair can be very different. Men tend to have “male pattern baldness,” which involves areas of total hair loss, and in the worst instances they can become completely bald.
Women on the other hand tend to suffer from thinning hair. This does not usually involve bald areas at all, but nonetheless can become very apparent as the woman ages. Thinning hair in women can have the same, if not worse, effects on their confidence as men. Somehow, baldness in men can seem to be acceptable for many, but thinning hair in women can make them feel that they stand out and that everyone is looking at them.
Unfortunately, this can make a woman feel ashamed of herself. There is no reason whatsoever that she should do so, but the truth is that some women with thinning hair hardly want to leave the house.
Thinning Hair Can Be Treated
Fortunately, thinning hair in women can be treated, as, indeed, can male pattern baldness. In fact, there are relatively new treatments available to deal with hair loss, especially for women (inquire of Doctor Canales).
Of course, women, too can have a hair transplant to cover up areas of the scalp that show through because of thinning hair.
No matter if you are a man or a woman, there is no need to suffer from embarrassment as a result of hair loss. After all, it is something that is genetic, and not something that has occurred as a result of something that the person suffering has either done or not done. It’s really just the luck of the draw. Or perhaps the bad luck of the draw! Although thinning hair and baldness occurs in a considerable number of people, there are others who live their whole lives with a full head of hair.
Whatever the reasons, at Silicon Valley Hair Institute we can offer you hope. Restoring a full-grown head of hair is what we do, and there are several ways in which it can be achieved.
So, if you are suffering from hair loss, make an appointment to see our Dr. Miguel Canales (it’s free!) for a consultation and to get his advice.