The Modern Method of Hair Transplants uses FUE Technology

The Modern Method of Hair Transplants uses FUE Technology

If you are considering a hair transplant, there are different ways of doing it in the 21st century. Since 1953, when the first hair transplant was carried out in New York City, it has been known as FUT – a Follicular Unit Transplant. FUE transplant San Francisco.It was carried out by a skilled surgeon who would remove a strip of hair from the back of your head, and this strip was then cut into very tiny pieces of three or four individual hairs, and these were then inserted into the recipient site.

FUT is still carried out that way today, but it has certain disadvantages. Even the most skilled surgeon would make mistakes and possibly damage some of the existing hairs in the recipient site, especially after several hours work when a level of tiredness starts to set in. Also, it is difficult to get the follicular unit in place so that it exactly matches the angle and direction of any existing hairs.

Another consideration is that where the strip of hair has been removed at the back of the head there will be a scar left, which makes it difficult to wear your hair short if you wish to.

However, we are in the 21st century and you can now have an FUE transplant in San Francisco. FUE stands for Follicular Unit Extraction and it is done by a robot!

Yes, you can have a robot carry out an FUE transplant in San Francisco – well, it’s in Foster City actually, but it’s only a half hour drive. This is where you will find Silicon Valley Hair Institute and Dr Miguel Canales who programs the robot.

Several Advantages to FUE Transplant

An FUE transplant in San Francisco has several advantages over an FUT transplant, not the least of which is that there is no scar left. The robot extracts follicular units of up to four hairs which are so small that there is no visible scar left after the transplant. It then inserts them into the recipient site without causing any damage to existing hairs, and it inserts them at the exact angle and direction of any existing hairs in the site. What’s more, a robot never gets tired. It just carries on until the job is completed.

Now you might wonder who it was who invented such an advanced piece of technology. Well it was created by a company called Restoration Robotics Inc, and the team who created it was led by no less a person than our Dr Canales who was the Medical Director of the company for ten years. He knows more about FUE technology than anyone else in the world and his name is on 11 of the patents.

Dr Canales provides all patients with a completely free consult, so book yours by clicking on the Free Consult link at the top of the page and talk to the world’s leading expert.

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