A Robotic Hair Transplant Is Done by Both Man and Machine

A Robotic Hair Transplant Is Done by Both Man and Machine

Robotic hair transplantation is super cool. A robot does a lot of the work, but not all of it. It’s really man and machine, not machine replacing man (or woman). The physician and technician work with the machine to create the optimal hair transplant strategy.A robotic hair transplant involves man and machine

A Bay Area robotic hair transplant is similar in some ways to, say, the SMOG technician who checks your vehicle for emissions. He uses various tools, including computerized tools, to analyze your vehicle. A Bay Area robotic transplant also uses computerized tools that are programmed by the hair surgeon. Granted, we are making much more us of AI, but we haven’t yet got to the stage when a robot can design and build another robot, for example. Man’s input is still necessary.

Many Advantages to Robotic Hair Transplant

With that said, a robotic hair transplant has many advantages over one carried out by hand. To begin with, when a hair transplant surgeon works by hand, he removes a strip of hair at the back of the head which he then divides into units of between one and four hair follicles and then transplants these into the recipient area. Unfortunately, this leaves a scar at the back of your head which will show up if you wear your hair short.

On the other hand, with a Bay Area robotic hair transplant, the robot can actually remove as few as one to four follicles of hair from the head at a time. This means that there is no visible scar anywhere whatsoever, so you can wear your hair in any fashion that you choose. We have patients come to us from all over the Bay Area – from San Francisco in the North, to San Jose in the South as well as all the Peninsula cities like Palo Alto or RedWood City. Since we’re in Foster City, we’re convenient – even to Oakland and the East Bay.

A hair transplant procedure can take several hours, and a hair transplant surgeon is only human so he will tire. That can lead to errors. A robot doesn’t get tired. It can go on all day and all night if necessary and it will be as accurate as the moment it started. The robot also transplants the hair follicles in the recipient area at precisely the same angle, direction, and elevation of any existing hairs in the area, so giving a totally natural look. It also transplants the follicles alongside existing hairs without causing them any damage. All of which is hard to do so precisely by hand, especially after several hours work.

There are many more benefits to the ARTAS robotic hair transplant procedure, one of which is that recovery time after the surgery is far quicker. There are no limitations on strenuous exercise after the procedure, and you can resume your normal exercise routine after a day or two, rather than having to take several days off work.

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