Aging and Hair Loss is Not The Same Today

Aging and Hair Loss is Not The Same Today

It’s clear that no matter what we do, our bodies will mature over time. Luckily, aging is no longer a quick and shocking process. We can look at family photos and scratch our heads when we see Grandpa at the same age we are now. It’s usually quite a difference. hair transplant before and after

For several decades, however, new products and services have changed the game on aging. The combination of a healthy lifestyle and caring for our skin has been shown to help women and men appear younger, longer.  It’s been proven that the use of sunscreen can slow down the signs of age. Regular exercise can help people maintain a level of muscle mass as they mature. All these modern developments can shave of a decade or more on our appearance.

Hair loss is also part of getting older. Lucky for us, modern treatments are now available to slow down hair loss. Tools such as light therapy (LLLT) and scalp peels have been shown to rejuvenate hair follicles. There are also over-the-counter hair restoration products and shampoos that can help anyone experience small noticeable changes in their hair density. This is certainly a different time compared to past generations! These are great new options for our modern world. They might also push out the time when a Bay Area resident needs to consider surgical options for a more permanent solution to fixing thinning hair, such as a hair transplant. But when that time comes, they can find that hair restoration surgery is more advanced, too.

Easy access can help locate the best hair restoration surgeon

In the “old days,” if someone was even considering hair transplant surgery, it could be a challenge to find a top surgeon. There were TV commercials, newspaper ads, and the Yellow Pages. A friend may have a terrific hair transplant and could recommend their surgeon. Yet these were not good enough to guarantee a person was adequately informed to make the right choice for themselves.

We have social media! If you want to review a doctor’s full resume and experience, it’s on our website page. If a Bay Area resident needs to become more familiar with robotic hair transplant surgery, they can look up the entire process from start to finish. Finally, people can see the results of hundreds of hair transplant surgeries. Websites provide several before and after photos displaying the results for both men and women. Social media sites like Instagram make it easy to scroll through image too. When it comes to aging, this is a great time to be alive. Bay Area adults can take their time aging slowly and healthily with the options available today. And if they need to address thinning hair, modern robotic hair restoration surgery can provide natural-looking, youthful results!

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