Surgery for Hair Loss Is Important, So You Need to See a Bay Area Hair Loss Specialist

Surgery for Hair Loss Is Important, So You Need to See a Bay Area Hair Loss Specialist

When it comes to something as important as a hair transplant, you need to see a specialist. You want state-of-the-art technology and someone who is highly trained. This is much the same as if you were looking for a dental implant for missing teeth: you wouldn’t ask a general dentist to do it – not if you had any sense. You need a specialist when it comes to hair loss.You would want a dental implant specialist – someone who does nothing else. The same applies to hair transplants.

A hair loss specialist, such as our Dr. Miguel Canales at Silicon Valley Hair Institute (the name is a bit of a giveaway really, isn’t it?) is not only a specialist hair transplant surgeon of many years’ standing, but he also uses the very latest technology. This is known as the ARTAS robot. That’s right! Today you can have your hair transplant carried out by a robot!

It Gets Better!

It actually gets even better, because Dr. Canales not only uses the ARTAS robot, but he invented it! He was the Medical Director of Restoration Robotics Inc., for some ten years, and was in charge of the team that produced it. There is no hair loss specialist in the world who knows more about the ARTAS robot than Dr. Canales: his name is on eleven of the patents recorded for it.

There are so many advantages to having your hair transplant carried out by the robot that it is difficult to know where to begin. If you were to have a manual hair transplant, the surgeon would remove a strip of hair from the back of your head from which he would take small clusters of between one and four hair follicles and transplant them into the balding area. Unfortunately, this procedure means that there will be a permanent scar where the strip of hair was removed. This doesn’t matter too much if you want to wear your hair long, but if you want to wear it short, that scar will be there for all to see.

The robot only removes tiny groups of hair follicles one at a time and transplants them into the recipient site. This leaves no visible scarring whatsoever.

The robot also inserts the follicles right next to any existing hair growth in the area, and at the same angle, height, and elevation, so as the new hair grows it will exactly match the existing hair.

Furthermore, a surgeon carrying out a manual transplant will gradually tire and make errors. The robot doesn’t get tired and can carry on all day, and all night as well if you like.

There are many other benefits too. If you are looking for a hair loss specialist to beat all other hair loss specialists, Dr. Canales is your man. You can book a free consultation with him by clicking on Contact Us at the top of the page or clicking on the Online Consult link if you would like to talk by Facetime or Skype.

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