At Silicon Valley Hair Institute We Are Experts in the ARTAS System
If you are looking for a hair transplant in the Bay Area, as many people are, you have two choices. You can either have a manual hair transplant or you can have the Bay Area ARTAS transplant which – whether you know it or not – is actually carried out by a robot.
If you have never heard of the ARTAS system, it may seem improbable that you can have a robot carry out a hair transplant, but in fact there are a considerable number of advantages. Apart from any other consideration, it is far more accurate than a manual transplant. If you need quite a lot of hair transplanted to balding areas, the manual process can take several hours. On occasion, it could even run to a second day.
Now if you think about it, a human being can get tired, and with the best will in the world is going to make some mistakes in the placement of the hairs. A robot simply doesn’t get tired: it can work all day and all night if necessary and will produce a perfect result with every single hair that is transplanted in a Bay Area ARTAS transplant.
Another Very Big Benefit from Robotic Hair Transplantation
Here is another very big benefit. With a manual transplant, a strip of hair is removed from the back of your head and it is going to leave a scar. This means that you can’t wear your hair short if you want to, without the scar showing. An ARTAS transplant leaves no visible scarring whatsoever, so even if you wear your hair short no-one will ever know you have had a transplant – unless you tell them, of course.
Furthermore, the Bay Area ARTAS transplant system inserts the follicular units, as the hairs are called, into the recipient site at an angle which exactly matches the direction and elevation of the existing hairs in the site. This obviously produces a better result than can ever be obtained in a manual transplant.
There is one other thing that you should know about Silicon Valley Hair Institute and that is that our doctor, Dr Miguel Canales, for ten years was Medical Director of Restoration Robotics which is the company that produces the ARTAS robot. In other words, he led the team that invented it!
So although there are a few other clinics that now operate the ARTAS system in the Bay Area, you could not possibly have greater expertise than having your hair transplant carried out by the man who invented the robot.
Wherever you are in the Bay Area, you are not far from Silicon Valley Hair Institute because we are in Foster City and have also just opened a new clinic in Palo Alto.