Looking Smart Can Be Just as Important as Being Smart

Looking Smart Can Be Just as Important as Being Smart

You’ve probably heard the saying that to achieve success, the first thing is just showing up. That sounds easier than it is for many of us here in the Bay Area. Putting yourself “out there” can be a challenge when you’re not feeling great about how you look.All types of hair restored, including African American.

As we mature, we may still have plenty of purpose left to fulfill, but the question is, do others see our potential, too? Let’s face it – people can be superficial and appearance matters (whether you like it or not). That “first impression” can open new jobs, new dating possibilities, and influence how people perceive you. How individuals manage change as they age, however, is up to them. Some give up. They do not go to the gym. They do not eat healthy. And they don’t look to technology to improve their looks. Others choose to see their appearance as an “investment.” The world is always changing around us, and there’s nothing worse than looking “dated.” It’s as if you’ve run out of steam, and others may think it’s time to accept the retirement package and sit in a chair. But is that what you want to do? Watch on the sidelines as the rest of the world goes by?

With modern technology, aging can be different. This is true for you as a person, especially (but not only) on the job. It’s a high-tech environment and the older you become, the more knowledge and experience you have to offer. Understanding how technology has evolved is important when making plans for future products.  People want to get that knowledge from someone who presents well and appears like they have their finger on the pulse of technology today. Yet the old adage that you “never get a second chance to make a first impression” still applies. We have many Bay Area clients who come to us ready to upgrade their appearance. Their hair is thinner and receding, which they recognize could be damaging when tackling the next startup pitch. Forward-thinking older residents consider the cost of a hair transplant as an investment.

Skip the bad hair days and step up your style!

A post from Skills You Need notes that personal appearance can be a big part of communication and presentation skills. Hairstyle is one of the first non-verbal messages an audience notices during a presentation. And that also applies to interviews and networking events. What you look like is almost as valuable as what you say. How you appear, your hair, grooming, and clothing can translate something to an audience. And if there’s a problem with thin, wonky-looking hair, that can send the wrong message. If you can’t properly care for yourself, why be taken seriously? If someone appears out of touch with today’s events, they might lose important opportunities. Bay Area locals are savvy enough to understand that. This is why many of our clients have seen the cost of a hair transplant as a smart investment. When your hair is on point, that’s one less distraction for those you are trying to impress. Finding an innovative hair transplant clinic is a smart way to invest that money. The ARTAS hair transplant robot, combined with a leading hair transplant surgeon like Miguel Canales, will ensure a Bay Area resident looks as good as technology today can allow.

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